Chef Jeanna DeMarco

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If I were to have a near death experience that would force my life to flash before my eyes, I think it would all be food.  My life, for as long as I can remember, has simply revolved around it.  I was so fortunate to have a mother who was an amazing cook and didn't hesitate to pass on her knowlege. Some kids have memories of licking a whisk full of cake batter, but mine are of sitting on the countertop aside my mom pinching ravioli and sneaking spoonfuls of ricotta and mascarpone.  

My love of travel later in life revealed itself to just be an excuse for me to eat my way through different cultures. Although my Sicilian background will always be the backbone of my cooking, there are so many more components of what inspires me when I create a dish, and the local ingredients are no small part of that. 

Being a chef is what I was born to do, and I am so privileged to share my gift time and time again through all of my clients’ special occasions. My hope is that if you were to ever have your life flash before your eyes, that one of my dishes would be on the reel.